For the fourth year in a row, David Bernstein and Lawyers Fighting Hunger has once again worked together to raise money via attorneys, professionals, doctors, businesses and individuals to purchase turkeys to give away to the less fortunate for Thanksgiving.
On Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014, the David Bernstein Law Offices will be distributing turkeys for the Lawyers Fighting Hunger annual turkey giveaway.
The Regional Food Bank has once again assisted in purchasing the turkeys and storing them in a truck with a freezer. We will also have Norman firefighters and police assist us with crowd control and help with handing them out.
The distribution party will begin on Nov. 13 in the parking lot of the David Bernstein Law Building located at 104 W. Gray St. in Downtown Norman, with registration starting at 11:00 a.m., and turkeys will be given away from 11:15 am until 1 p.m. or until there are no more turkeys available.
There will also be free bottled water and soft drinks, and Classic ’50s Drive-In has agreed to cook free hot dogs and hamburgers during the distribution in Norman.
To learn more about Lawyers Fighting Hunger or would like to make a difference in people’s lives, please