Our Clients
We’re committed to our clients… We’re committed to our clients. That’s something that’s easy to say and harder to prove. Here are some of the ways that we demonstrate our commitment to each client and case we represent every single day: Personal Attention We keep our practice small — on purpose. With one attorney and […]

Our Practice
It’s more than just a career, it’s a calling… We’re committed to our profession. We believe the practice of law — representing clients, promoting a safer community and protecting the rights of citizens — is a serious responsibility. Every decision we make begins with our belief that serving our clients is more than just a […]

After the Case
Committed — even after the case is resolved… We’re committed to our clients — even after their case is resolved. We see past clients on the street, in shops and restaurants, in parks and places of worship throughout our community. We’re glad to see to reconnect and hear that “success” means much more than just […]

Our Community
We invest ourselves and our resources into our community… We’re committed to our community. We’ve made it a priority to invest ourselves and our resources back into our city. Our philosophy on giving back is simple — If you can, you should. It may take extra effort or adjusting our schedule, but we believe that […]

Our Courts
The right of trial by jury shall be preserved… For most people, the law is something that only seems to matter when something bad happens to them or someone they love. But the reality is that both the law and the average American’s free and fair access to the courtroom has a profound effect. From […]